1. The Initial Steps
- Contract Submission (author to publisher)
- Message Submission (author to publisher)
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition) if the message is submitted in written form or Transcribing of Tapes, CDs or DVDs if the message is submitted in spoken form.
- File Submission: This previous step can be eliminated when files are submitted digitally, ready for processing. So that is the best way. Submit your files as a Microsoft Word document or a file from one of the other popular word processing programs. Simply attach your file to an email sent to [email protected].
2. The Creative Steps
- Editing/Rewriting (this can take the longest of any of the steps, depending on how much editing or rewriting is needed).
- Typesetting (we now combine these two steps, editing/rewriting and typesetting, into one, working within the editor of the typesetting software to save time and money for the Kingdom). Typesetting includes the preparation of any graphic elements to be included in the book.
- Cover Design Concept Development
- Back Cover Text Development
3. The Perfecting Steps
The perfecting steps are important ones. You want your book to be the best it can be, and we do too. In some cases, several rounds of perfecting steps are needed. The perfecting steps are:
- Cover Design Submission (publisher to author)
- First Rough Draft Submission (publisher to author)
- Corrections to the First Rough Draft
- Changes Needed to the Cover Design
- Second Text Submission (publisher to author)
- Second Cover Submission (publisher to author)
- Proofreading
- Proofing Changes
- Submission of the Final Draft
- Final Text Approval from the Author
- Submission of the Final Cover Design
- Final Cover Design Approval from the Author
Within reason, we are willing to do as many rounds of additions and corrections as are needed to prefect the book. However, if these become excessive, some additional charges may be necessary.
4. The Production Steps
When we finally get to the production steps, it is very exciting. A seed was long ago planted in your spiritual womb, and a baby is about to be born. This child has the potential to change the world. The all-important production steps are:
- Submission of the Files to the Printer
- Printing (Until recent years this was taking 5 weeks or more. Now it can be accomplished in a matter of days for digital processing and ten days to two weeks for offset jobs of 1,500 books or more.
- Shipment of the Book
In a former time, an author had to order 3,000 or more books, but now that books are printed digitally and quickly, we advise our authors to order only as many books as they need for the next few months. Then they can order more.
Once you have received your finished books, the real fun begins — distribution of your book to the ends of the earth.