Stephanie S. Johnson, a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, has had a broad range of experience. In preparation for her journey, she earned an Associate’s degree in Theology, a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, and a Master’s in Educational Leadership and is currently completing her Doctorate in Educational Leadership. She has always had a heart for people, especially the downcast, homeless, incarcerated or troubled. At the age of 18, soon after she accepted the Lord, she was already ministering to children and teens who had run away from home or been put out of their homes and were wards of the state.
For years, Stephanie served as a pastor, providing not only spiritual guidance to her members, but also shelter, food and clothing to those in need. She also served for more than 3 years as a volunteer outreach pastor in one of Louisiana’s youth incarceration facilities, ministering to the youngest and most troubled of her community.
Eventually, Stephanie opened her own private preschool. Then, in 2008, she started teaching in the public school system, where she earned several awards for outstanding teacher and student achievement. Throughout the years, Stephanie has received many awards such as Parent of the Year, Community Person of the Year and Volunteer of the Year. She has proven herself as a quality educator and lover of children. She is the mother of two beautiful daughters, Danielle Faith and Chanelle Hope Johnson.