Donald C. Mann was raised Catholic in the Southern US, and then in the late 1970s was impacted by the Holy Spirit through the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and experienced speaking in tongues and numerous signs and wonders. A lay person—construction worker, Air Force Officer, scientist, and businessman—he has since led prayer groups, home churches, half-way houses, Bible studies, Gospel and Praise Groups, prison and visitation ministries, and currently mentors several pastors. His books on prayer have blessed people around the world.
With a BA in Chemistry and an MA in Science Education, both from East Carolina University, Don is strongly evangelical. His desire is to see the Kingdom of God grow and prevail against the gates of Hell. Now with more than thirty-five years of Bible study and with lay- and marketplace ministry experience, his focus is on what God is saying in the Scriptures and how we can work with Him in every part of our everyday lives, to His glory and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. A husband and father, Don, along with his family, lives in Eastern Pennsylvania.