For most of his adult life, Gordon Densmore worked in accounting and sales. He did have other interests (such as being a professional square dance caller for more than 25 years). But then, in 1975, he had a radical conversion, returned to his childhood church, became a lay speaker and began sharing his experience with churches and outside groups. In 1984, at the age of 56, he was called into full-time ministry and served 14 years as a pastor with the United Methodist Church in the Eastern Ohio Conference. After mandatory retirement from that position, he accepted another, this time with Pastor Care (a nondenominational group headquartered in Raleigh, North Carolina) as a traveling representative for them, reaching out to pastors in need in the Eastern U.S. At the same time, he also conducted evangelistic seminars. Gordon retired from Pastor Care in 2010 after 12 years of service and then started his next career, as an author. He left us and Vernice, his wife of more than 63 years, in 2015, but he still blesses us through his writings.