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Have You Been Mark 4rd?

Have You Been Mark 4rd?

Have You Been Mark 4rd?
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Here’s a simple teaching that opens to us the most profound secrets of what the Kingdom of God is like and how it operates. It also opens to us the mysteries of what the kingdom of darkness is like and how it operates, it exposes Satan for who and what he is, and it shows us how to protect ourselves against him and his works. Is it any wonder, then, that Jesus spoke of the Parable of the Sower as the most important of all parables and said that we would not be able to understand any of His other parables if we didn’t first understand this one?
The teachings of this book have been lived out over a period of many years now in the life of the author and in the lives of the believers he is privileged to pastor, and now he trusts that they will be a blessing to you. This book can revolutionize your life and the lives of those around you.
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