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Book of Truths: Thompson Truths, Volume I
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What is a Thompson Truth?
It seems that everywhere you turn these days there is competition, and people want you to choose sides. Whether in sports, politics, or religion, we are asked to choose a team. I advocate for those who are looking into religion but have not yet chosen a team. They are who I call seekers, and I have established a safe place where they can come, ask questions, and receive answers to some of the complex, spooky, or would-be “sacrilegious” things surrounding religion. The platform I use to assist those of us with questions is the Thompson Truths weekly podcast.
Who is a seeker? A seeker is someone who cannot, or will not, just settle for the canned or status quo responses to the big questions about life and spirituality. There is a void that needs to be filled. Something inside us drives us to search and to dig deeper for the answers. We crave something more substantive.
Seekers are finders. We must continue to seek until we are convinced within the deepest parts of our souls that what we have found is the Truth. Thompson Truths are an homage to the wisdom of my father and many others who deposited into my life, and I wish to share those insightful truths with others. These truths are practical and relatable to everyday living. In them we explore religion, relationships, health, and overall self-care.
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.”